10-11 May 2012, Skopje, Macedonia
The Second IOPS Regional Workshop on Pension Supervision for CEE, CIS, Caucasia and Central Asia Regions was held in Skopje, Macedonia, on 10 May 2012. This Workshop follows on and builds upon the success of the IOPS first event held in region in February 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey. In addition, a joint IOPS-IAIS seminar on cross-sectoral supervisory issues was organised back to back with the IOPS Regional Workshop on 11 May 2012. Both meetings were hosted and co-organised by the Macedonian Agency for Supervision of Fully Funded Pension Insurance (MAPAS) with the support of the IAIS. Objective
The Workshop aimed to address a wide range of topics which are high on the supervisory agendas in the region and are priority areas of work for the IOPS. These issues include 1) developing a risk-based approach to pension supervision; 2) building optimal structure and developing good governance practices for pension supervisory authorities; 3) controlling costs within the private pension industry.
The joint IOPS-IAIS seminar reviewed the IAIS work and the IAIS Core Principles and in particular their application to the private pension sector. The Core Principles dealing with Corporate Governance, Investment, Risk Management and Conduct of Business were examined in detail and lessons for pension supervision and private pension industry drawn.
The Workshop was targeted at senior officials from pension supervisory authorities and other relevant public agencies involved in the supervision and the regulation of private pensions in the CEE, CIS, Caucasia and Central Asia region together with the IOPS regional representatives.
Second IOPS Regional Workshop on Pension Supervision for CEE, CIS, Kaukas and Central Asia Regions, 10 May 2012
Opening Remarks
• Mr. Bulent Dervisi, Director of Agency for supervision of fully funded pension insurance (MAPAS), Republic of Macedonia (opening remarks)
• Mr. Ross Jones, President of IOPS, Vice-Chair of the OECD Working Party on Private Pensions, Deputy Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Australia (opening remarks)
Session 1: Developments in Risk-based Supervision
• Mr. Ross Jones, APRA, Australia/ IOPS President - IOPS Toolkit for Risk-based Supervision (presentation)
• Mr. Darko Sazdov, MAPAS, Republic of Macedonia - Supervisory practice in Macedonia (presentation)
• Mr. John Ashcroft, Key Expert to the EU Project - Challenges to introducing risk-based supervision (presentation)
Session 2: Developments in Pension Supervision in CEE/Caucasia Regions
• Mr. Rinald Guri, Head of Research, IT & Statistics Department, Financial Supervisory Authority, Albania - Developments in pension supervision in Albania (presentation)
• Mr. Almaz Tashbaev, Head of Department of supervision of securities market, State Service of regulation and supervision of financial markets, Kyrgyz Republic - Development in pension supervision in Kyrgyzstan (presentation)
• Ms. Suzana Vokshi, Senior Examiner of Pensions, Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo - Development in pension supervision in Kosovo (presentation)
Session 3: Costs
• Ms. Fiona Stewart, IOPS Secretariat - Overview of IOPS work on costs (presentation)
• Mr. Liviu Ionescu, Private Pension System Supervisory Commission (CSSPP) Romania/ IOPS Secretariat - Controlling costs in Romania (presentation)
• Ms. Julia Cillikova, Director of Regulation and Financial Analyses Department, National Bank of Slovakia, Slovak Republic, Chair of the IAIS Pension Co-ordination Group - Controlling cost in Slovakia (presentation)
IOPS-IAIS PCG Joint Seminar on Cross-Sectoral Issues, 11 May 2012
Session 4: Introduction to IAIS and Core Principles
• Ms. Julia Cillikova, National Bank Slovakia, Chair IAIS Pensions Coordination Group - Introduction to IAIS and Core Principles (presentation)
Session 5: IAIS ICP 7 - Corporate Governance
• Ms. Elena Bellizzi, ISVAP Italy - IAIS ICP 7 Corporate Governance: Lessons for the pension sector (presentation unavailable)
• Ms. Nina Paklina, IOPS Secretariat - Draft IOPS Good Practices on Governance of Pension Supervisory Authorities (presentation)
Session 6: IAIS ICP 15 - Investment
• Mr. Dave Finnis, IAIS Secretariat - IAIS ICP 15 Investment: Lessons for the pension sector (presentation)
• Mr. Liviu Ionescu, CSSPP Romania / IOPS Secretariat - IOPS work on controlling investment risk in DC pension funds (presentation)
Session 7: IAIS ICP 8 - Risk Management
• Mr. Peter Penzes, National Bank of Slovakia, Slovak Republic - IAIS ICP 8 Risk Management: Lessons for the pension sector (presentation)
• Ms. Nina Paklina, IOPS Secretariat - OECD/ IOPS work on risk-management (presentation)
Session 8: IAIS ICP 19 - Conduct of Business
• Mr. Peter Cooke, IAIS Secretariat - IAIS ICP 19 Conduct of Business: Lessons for the pension sector (presentation)
• Ms. Fiona Stewart, IOPS Secretariat - IOPS work on Intermediaries (presentation)
Closing remarks
• Mr. Ross Jones, President of IOPS, Deputy Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Australia
• Mr. Bulent Dervisi, Director of Agency for supervision of fully funded pension insurance (MAPAS), Republic of Macedonia (closing remarks)
> Draft Agenda (pdf)
> Information note (pdf)