
IOPS Workshop on Supervisory Reform for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region: 5-6 May 2011, Abuja, Nigeria


The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) and the National Pension Commission of Nigeria, co-hosted the IOPS Regional Workshop on Supervisory Reform, which was held in Abuja, Nigeria on 5-6 May 2011. This IOPS workshop was organised within the framework of the IOPS global outreach activities, and in line with the Organisation’s objective to promote the development of efficient national pension supervisory systems throughout the world. This workshop was hosted by the National Pension Commission of Nigeria.


The IOPS has been undertaking a major project on the topic of risk-based supervision, including the recent launch of the IOPS Toolkit for Risk-based Supervision to help authorities prepare for such a transition and presenting the risk-based models already developed by some IOPS members. This workshop aimed to present the work of the IOPS in this field and provided an opportunity to learn about  IOPS members’ risk-based approaches in more detail.

The workshop addressed specifically the topic of reform towards risk-based supervision. The first session of this meeting introduced the IOPS Principles of Private Pension Superivison and Self Assessment Methodology. The following sessions each dealt with one or two modules of the IOPS Toolkit for Risk-based Supervision, discussing the subject of the module and presenting the experiences of countries such as Kenya, South Africa and Australia and Chile.


The workshop was targeted at government officials involved in pension supervision and private pension reforms from the sub-Saharan Africa region as well as a selected number of IOPS member countries. Attendance at the Workshop is by invitation only.

Workshop documents:

Information note



Session I: IOPS Principles

Introduction to IOPS Principles + Self-assessment methodology - Ross Jones, President, IOPS

National Pension Commission Self-assessment results and Nigeria’s Risk-Based Supervision System - Musa Ibrahim, National Pension Commission, Nigeria

Session II: Introduction to and Preparation for Risk-based Supervision

Introduction to the IOPS Toolkit Module 1 - Taliya Cikoja, IOPS Secretariat

RBA Kenya Preparing Supervisory Authority & Pension Industry for RBS - Nzomo Mutuku, RBA, Kenya

Challenges to introducing RBS - Solange Berstein, Superintendent Pensions, Chile

Session III: Risk Identification  and Focus

IOPS Toolkit Modules 3 - Taliya Cikoja, IOPS Secretariat

Risk Identification in practice - Solange Berstein, Superintendent Pensions, Chile

Risk Identification in practice - Jurgen Boyd, FSB, South Africa 

Session IV: Information Sources and Risk Indicators

IOPS Toolkit Modules 2&3 - Taliya Cikoja, IOPS Secretariat

Information Sources and Building Risk Indicators - Nzomo Mutuku, RBA, Kenya

Information Sources and Building Risk Indicators - Jurgen Boyd, FSB, South Africa

Session V: Risk Scoring

Overview IOPS Toolkit Module 4 (Risk Weighting, Probability, Impact, Consistency Scores) - Taliya Cikoja, IOPS Secretariat

APRA PAIRS Model - Ross Jones, President, IOPS

Session VI: Supervisory Response

Overview IOPS Toolkit Module 5 (Supervisory Response Matrix, Communicating Scores, Escalation Pyramid) - Taliya Cikoja, IOPS Secretariat

 APRA SOARS Model / Supervisory Strategies for APRA Regulated Institutions - Ross Jones, President, IOPS

Choosing Supervisory Tools - Solange Berstein, Superintendent Pensions, Chile


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