IOPS Information Paper 1: Pension Supervisory Authorities and Financial Education: Lessons Learnt


The present paper aims to update previous IOPS work by looking in more detail at campaigns run by pension supervisory authorities and attempts to draw some ‘lessons learnt’ from these.  

The paper is structured as follows: Section I looks at the information campaigns which IOPS Members provided during the financial crisis, whilst Section II describes some innovative, on-going financial education programmes run pension supervisory authorities. Section III concludes with some lessons learnt from the previous and current work of the IOPS, as well as drawing on the on-going work on the OECD’s project on financial education.


IOPS Information Paper 1: Pension Supervisory Authorities and Financial Education: Lessons Learnt.


Related materials

Pensions financial education campaigns:





Further examples of financial education campaigns can be found here.



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